It’s almost time – the next betapitch will soon take place right here, in the ‘haus! This year, betapitch will be held in two different locations: in Köln on March 10, and finally, in Berlin on May 3rd.
For betapitch Berlin, we’ve gathered together an impressive jury with several highly-accomplished figures in the world of business and entrepreneurship, as well as a prize package with just about everything you need to bootstrap your way to startup stardom. All that’s left is your application!
Applying to betapitch is simple. All we need from you is a one-pager, in PDF format, showing us your idea, business model, market, timeline, and team. If you’re nominated, you’ll be invited to betahaus to pitch your startup against 9 other nominees in front of our jury.
If your startup is chosen as the lucky winner, you’ll receive a 6 month membership at betahaus| Berlin, where you’ll have your own workspace and access to all the facilities you need, as well as several in-house advisors and mentors to help you with all kinds of issues. As a member of betahaus, you’ll also become part of a vibrant and supportive community of professionals from various different fields, and get a chance to meet and work with all kinds of interesting and talented people. You’ll also receive an impressive bootstrapping package, which will let you enjoy funding and services from several great local companies such as Coffee Circle, Beyer & Söhne, Podio, and more. On top of all that, your startup will receive plenty of support from investors such as the seed-investment company SeedMatch, who will provide step-by-step guidance for your startup, ensuring it continues to attract plenty of investment as it grows.
Interested? Just send your applications to team@betapitch.de before midnight on the 20th of April. Visitors can sign up here.