about betahaus
Katka Nagyová
March 26, 2014

betapitch | Berlin is approaching and looks for hardware startups!

On the 2nd of May in Berlin, the big things will be made!

Apply for the betapitch | hardware and get a present just for filling in the application. Got a startup building a physical device? Knowing about friends building a hardware thingy? Tell them to sign up for betapitch | hardware!

If you wanna be there too, book a spot via Eventbrite now.

This year we’re bringing you the betapitch competitions with even more prizes and more swag, just read on.

Every applying team gets $50 in Elance credits which they can spend on freelancers‘ services. Every team which makes it among the 8 finalists gets $250 and the winner wins $1000 in Elance credits. The winner also gets 6 months of free workspace in betahaus family, trip to Asia with HWTrek and many more perks.

As part of the ThingsCon, the betapitch | hardware on 2nd of May will be surrounded by cool makers and many important folks from the hardware world. As usual for betapitch there will be a great jury, investors, mentors, cool prize for the winner and lots of goodies for all.

So now you think it‘s rad and don’t know how to get into it? Then apply or read our blogpost on How to apply for the betapitch!

We're putting together an awesome crowd for the audience, book your spot now to be one of them!

Check other upcoming events in the betahaus!