about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
July 11, 2018

We're Opening a betahaus | Pop-Up at Köpenicker Straße 154-157

Here’s what we’ve come up with to make the transition over to Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 23 a bit nicer.

As betahaus founders, we knew our move to Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 23 was going to be an adventure. What we didn’t anticipate is just how we’d find ourselves reliving many of the same emotions that we felt when we first started betahaus. The excitement and uncertainty that comes with opening a new space is all too familiar, but this time, there’s one big difference: we’re asking all of you to come with us.

Things have been crazy lately – we’ve felt it too. Our house is under construction. Things are getting shuffled around. Our move out date approaching on 31 August. All of this, and we know setting up our new space won’t happen overnight! We’ve also found the best ideas are born during times of transition. We could get stressed or we could get creative, so we’re choosing creative. Here’s what we’ve come up with to make the transition into our new space a little bit nicer:

Work from the betahaus | Pop-up @ Köpenicker Straße 154-157

We’re opening our own Pop-up location in Berlin! Between 27 August - 31 October, you can work from the betahaus | Pop-up @ Köpenicker Straße 154-157. Located along the Spree in central Kreuzberg, our Pop-up will be two floors of beautiful industrial space with enough Flexdesks for all of our Club and Pro Members*. We’ll set the space up with everything you need to keep working with us while we get our space at Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 23 move-in ready.

Our betahaus | Pop-Up is still being setup, but here's a sneak peek at what some of the other rooms in the building look like.

Work from Anywhere with One Coworking

One Coworking is an app that lets you work from anywhere. During this transition, we’re offering members a One Coworking voucher that will allow you to work from any of our 12 partner locations in Berlin for 9 days for FREE. Stop by the Front Desk for your code! 

This move has been a challenge in many ways, but it’s also been very inspiring to get back in touch with the experimental mindset that we started out with. We may have more resources, experience, and proof of concept than we had ten years ago, but it’s also been an important reminder: no matter how far we think we’ve come, we will always be in beta.