about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
July 8, 2013

Berlin What??! Yes, We're Opening the First Berlin Hardware Accelerator!

We are excited to introduce you the one and only and first Berlin Hardware Accelerator!

The joint effort of betahaus, hy! Berlin and Hardware Berlin to support high-tech and hardware startups with getting off the ground. The program offers no- strings attached assistance in the form of mentorship, engineering, office space, access to strategic partners and suppliers, and more. It is one of Europe’s first hardware accelerators in this age, when hardware is booming again and it is clear how relevant it has become in the modern world.

We at the betahaus | Berlin with our open design city (fablab style) already have existing knowledge of being a hacker-space and bringing all different kinds of disciplines together. This will come in handy during the program as we want to connect established industries with entrepreneurs and we believe there is no better place than Berlin to achieve this.

The eight-week program starting in September focuses on hardware design, certification, mass production and kickstarters of other important aspects. The accelerator program will take place at us, the betahaus | Berlin. Around 10 teams will be accepted and will work intensively during these eight weeks to create the next successful hardware rockstar. The main points for you, dear applicant are that we don’t charge anything and take no equity!

Team applications deadline is July 15th, want to apply now? Do so at: berlinhardwareaccelerator.com

We are looking for partners and sponsors! If you believe you would be a great one and want to support us we are always happy to talk to you. Just write us an email to us@berlinhardwareaccelerator.com

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