about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
November 21, 2013

Berlin hardware accelerator culminates on Friday's Demo Day

10 teams from all around the Europe came to betahaus Berlin to experience a week full of educating, mentoring and pitch training which pushed their business forward. They attended workshops on how to scale a business, raise capital, the legal issues of sharing stocks with employees, how to maximize the user experience and many more. Some of the best Berlin based startups visited BHA to share their experience and lessons learned.

Now the startup teams have last few hours to pimp their pitches for the Demo Day. And you can see the results! Come to watch the pitches of the new promising HW startups at betahaus, Friday 3pm. Sign up here!

First check out the 10 startups which made it through the BHA Week and will rock it tomorrow with their pitches on Demo Day.

Airboxlab „Airboxlab is the first smart device monitoring your indoor air and giving you predictive and personalized advice to improve your air & life quality.“

Luuv „One-handed stabilizer for steady filming with cameras and smartphones“

Bobo „Bobo is a fun way to learn about energy consumption while saving polar bears“

CloudYourCar „Analytics of your  car, monitoring of driving habits“

BrightUp „Home lighting automation system with additional smart home functionality“

Pockethernet „The swiss army knife of network administrators“

DeMiFi „A Wifi router in your pocket“

Rockatoo „The new generation of sound systems for motorcycle helmets“

ChargeShare „Phone and tablet stand charger, integrated battery and sharing capabilities“

Skysense „Unplug your drone forever“


You can watch them live, Demo Day takes place in couple hours and you should be there. Sign up here!

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