about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
December 14, 2011

Awesome Foundation Next Round

The Awesome Award is an initiative by the Awesome Foundation, an international network founded in 2009, devoted to “forwarding the interest of awesomeness in the universe” through the support of various small-scale projects across the world. This support comes in the form of small grants, distributed monthly by an autonomous group of “micro-trustees” to projects based in various fields, including arts, sciences, technology, and social causes.

On February 2nd 2012, the Awesome Foundation Berlin will be handing out the next Awesome Award at betahaus| Berlin.

The Awesome Award is an initiative by the Awesome Foundation, an international network founded in 2009, devoted to “forwarding the interest of awesomeness in the universe” through the support of various small-scale projects across the world. This support comes in the form of small grants, distributed monthly by an autonomous group of “micro-trustees” to projects based in various fields, including arts, sciences, technology, and social causes.

These awards are given without any conditions, and have been described as “a micro-genius grant for flashes of micro-brilliance”.

The Awesome Foundation Berlin awards grants of EUR 1,000 several times a year to any project based in Berlin that is truly “awesome”. Anyone can apply for this award if they feel their idea is awesome - whatever the word should mean to them personally!

The application form can be found at: http://awesomefoundation.org/submissions/new - under the Berlin Chapter.

Applications will be reviewed by the Trustees of the Awesome Foundation Berlin. The three shortlisted applicants will be contacted and invited to present their projects at Betahaus on Thursday, 2 February. The Trustees will then announce their final decision, and the winner will receive EUR 1,000 in cash in a brown paper bag!

Check out our calendar for upcoming events.