Oh what a night! Not that all of us were not already nervous enough, no, last minute mistakes were inevitable of course. The heat and humidity didnt help one bit with making us feel more relaxed. But then: the first pitch. And it is awesome, wonderful, grande, and so is the rest of the pitches!
To be honest we could not have been happier with last night. We received so many great ideas beforehand, and we saw ten true rockstar startups present last night. So competition was tough. And from what we hear, the discussion after the pitches in the jury room was too. But the quality of the ideas presented during the pitches was so high that the jury uniformly decided that there should be two winners: one for societal impact of the idea and one for the business model.
And here they are (we really can't hold back any longer): The two winners of betapitch #3 are.....
As already said, we could not be happier and we cant wait for them to move in.
Thanks to everybody for making this happen. We are looking forward to the next round!
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