Exactly forty-five minutes, the visit of the election candidate Björn Böhning took place on Wednesday morning at betahaus. In tow, he had no one but the honorable SPD flagship Franz Müntefering. He also came up with Blaulicht. Who was not there was what missed.
Muntefering and Böhning showed the betahaus closely around by lightning storms. After a short talk about the importance of networks and professionalisation for freelancers, Müntefering conducted quite entertaining interviews with a few of our tenants. The guys and girls of the policy factory were skilled, put the Grand Seigneur in for a fashion shoot with the T-shirt of their current election '09 campaign, while Web designer Ali as a giant freelancer worried for general surprise Took wind from all sails. And last but not least, Florian and Fabian of deli lama skilfully talked about fresh salads, sauces and the purpose and purpose of KfW.
After 45 minutes a relaxed and charming Franz Müntefering left the following impression: well prepared, cunning questions and not without humor. (I think he really enjoyed it.) It seems as if one of the last Mohicans of the proletarian party realized that the workforce in Germany would inevitably change. We betamäusler are already in the middle. And with a view of the local derby: let's see if Björn Böhning has a chance against the Kreuzberg's first- person striker Ströbele . We remain tense.
Many thanks again to our house and court photographer Daniel , who has shot a few very good pictures under full elbow insert in the Presserummel! More photos can be found here.
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