about betahaus
Jack Henderson
August 11, 2016

All Wrapped Up: People In Beta Summer Party

The party may be over but we’re still feeling the repercussions! We’d like to thank our sponsors Ergo, Holvi, Conrad, and Glutamat for making it possible! We'd also like to thank you all for coming and we hope that you had a great time - we certainly did. Didn’t manage to make it? Here’s an overview of how the party went down.

After months of hard work from our core team and with the help of our fantastic volunteers, we opened the gates at 3pm. Every inch of betahaus was decorated to make it look like a real festival.


The weather didn’t hold off the whole afternoon, so we made some quick alterations the party and enjoyed the party inside for an hour. Just in time for Jorn Hendrick’s Superhero training workshop that was a huge success!


The weather cleared and Urban Sports Club rolled out their foosball table and the tournament began! Our member Adrian took home first prize, a one month Urban Sports Club membership!


During this time, Coffee Circle was demonstrating their brewing workshop and the party was picking up. Face paint and glitter became standard upon entry.


After some wonderful Cuban food from Old Papa’s truck and plenty of Pilsner Urquell it was time for the Coworking Awards ceremony.


As the night went on we had the betaband jamming, people dancing around the bonfire followed by some circus acts.


Thanks to some great music from our DJ’s and a vast drink selection from our bar, things got a little crazy and the party went on through the night until sunrise!



Again, we’d like to thank you all for coming and hope to see you again next year! The People In Beta Summer Party wouldn’t have been made possible without the help of our sponsors Ergo, Holvi, Conrad, and Glutamat! Have some great pictures of the party? You can submit them to our shared Google Drive here.

More upcoming events and announcements you can find here!