about betahaus
Iva Jankovic
August 11, 2015

Accelerate Korea

Let us introduce you Accelerate Korea, a new acceleration program that is running in cooperation with betahaus. Through an intensive one-month business and social cultural orientation training the program equipped Korean startups with the knowledge and experience for global acceleration while in Korea. Now in Berlin the program provides a full immersion in the berlin start-up ecosystem for the start-ups, lasting three months. Accelerate Korea to Berlin, was a custom designed program developed for the Korean government organization KISED and SMBA .

Let’s Meet the Teams currently in betahaus!

This year more than 140 teams applied for an exciting three-month exchange in Berlin. The five winning teams at Accelerate Korea’s Demoday in Seoul were given the guidance, training, space and equipment needed to turn their ideas into reality.

So here are the five superstars who made the cut!


JOKERPACK Inc/ BeeCanvas

This awesome team is developing an online scrapbook boosting people’s productivity by

managing all their digital resources in one place...wow


Master Company

Master Company is a dynamic group creating an extensive online platform for finding the correct construction machinery for any job – powerful and convenient.


Seerslab/ lollicam

Everyone knows that there’s a worldwide market of selfie lovers and Seerslab/ lollicam are tapping into it! They are developing a fun and creative selfie-editing app offering special visual effects and cloud storage.


ConsiderC/ RX Cycle

ConsiderC is building real experience equipment that allows professionals

and amateurs to optimize their workouts.



Where better to develop a plan for an art and media social network then in the vibrant German capital? BBuzzArt is a social platform that connects artists, critics and art lovers in a new way.…and we couldn’t be more excited!

Where Do We Come In?

Hosted at betahaus | Berlin, Accelerate Korea will offer a full range of services for startups including inhouse hardware labs, mentor days, and pitching practise. Beyond training and mentorship, the program will offer the teams an unparalleled opportunity to build partnerships in Europe, test their business theses in the German market and raise investment. The program will round off with a Demo Day in Berlin, aimed at securing partners and investment.

Working through betahaus, considered the most concentrated startup hub in all of Berlin (thank you) these teams will gain access to an extensive network of VCs, accelerators, investors as well as the opportunity to network with a heap of other awesome startups.

A Little About the Program

We’ve custom designed Accelerate Korea to meet the specific requirements of each team. For example, for BBuzzArt we’re ensuring they gain maximum exposure to the art community of Berlin and RX Cycle we’ve planned exclusive research opportunities  – and that’s just a taste of what we have planned!

Betahaus is providing special emphasis on the cultural aspect of this exchange. This is done through multiple workshops with relocation experts, meetings with business professionals, as well as providing some training in International Business Etiquette. And if that’s not enough Accelerate Korea is developing an alumni program for continual support even after the exchange has finished. You can see what the Korean startups are up to in Berlin on the Accelerate Korea fb page.

Check out other events coming up this month!