about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
November 5, 2012

A Year of `Making Things Happen` All Over the World

One of our good startup friends, Gidsy, is turning 1 and to commemorate this milestone, they are organising Gidsy Day - happening all day on November 10th in cities all over the world.

What is Gidsy Day?

On November 10th, there will be Gidsy activities happening all day long all across Berlin & beyond - all for only 5 bucks! This gives you the chance to spend the day exploring your city, participating in really fun things and meeting new people - the full Gidsy experience.

You can take a painting class in London, a canal tour in Amsterdam, a walk around Brooklyn NYC, a lovely walking tour in Paris, a coffee brewing workshop in Berlin and much, much more.

There is plenty of amazing experiences to be had on Gidsy Day so be sure to book your spots: www.gidsy.com/gidsyday

If you’re in Berlin, at the end of the day they`ll be hosting a birthday bash that everyone’s invited to. RSVP for the event on Facebook.

Happy Exploring,

your betahaus team

Check out our calendar for upcoming events!