about betahaus
Alice Nell
August 22, 2014

A Heads-Up About DIY Workshops at 5 Years of betahaus

Hey, beautiful betahaus people.

The countdown to 5 Years of betahaus is on (8 days to go!). As with every festival, our advice is the same: you'll get out of it what you put into it. We're definitely here to help with that.

We've put all of the festival offerings up on the betahaus website. Here's the link to see what's going on. We'll also have a calendar ready to go next week for all y'all who are registered to come.

For an extra heads up, we've got some three rather adventuresome workshops you can participate in -- but they're so cool/intense that we need you to prepare in advance.

Here's the rundown on what you'll need:

1. Build Your Own Berliner Hocker -- Everyone should know a little carpentry, right? This unscary introduction to woodworking will have you building your own furniture in no time at all. This is a BYOW (bring your own wood) activity, so you'll need your own wood from the Baumarkt. Please bring the following:

  • 2 pieces: 80 cm long x 30 cm wide x 18 mm thick
  • it can be any kind of wood you'd like

2. 3D Printing -- Go ahead, you know you want to see that machine do its magic. This is a truly hands-on 3D printing workshop, meaning you'll need the technology to make it happen. Please make sure you have:

  • your own laptop
  • A 3-button mouse
  • the installed makerware and 123d design software to make it all happen

3. Create Your Own Crowdbook -- DIY recycled art! You're unsure of what to do with all that paper you printed this week. This workshop is your solution. You'll learn how to create your own book out of recycled paper. For that, you will of course need:

  • your laptop (with Microsoft Word)
  • your smart phone (with the app pixter downloaded)
  • about 70 pages of A4 paper (each page should be blank on one side and used on the other)


Alright, great talk. We're looking forward to seeing you all at betahaus. As always, you can FB or Tweet us, or send an email to Elizaveta at elizaveta@betahaus.de, if you have any questions.
Here you can find more events coming up this month! 

See you soon, Alexa