about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
June 27, 2014

5 years of betahaus

In the beginning of the year we suddenly realized it has been five years since we settled down with the first desks to Moritzplatz and started the coworking revolution in Berlin and Europe. Having survived as a coworking space is reason enough to celebrate but we met awesome people on the way and learned a lot about collaboration, creatives, friendship, business and creating things together. The good and the bad.

For one day this August we want to put the past, the present and the future together at one place. We want to see all those beautiful people again that crossed our ways over the years. We'd like to talk about ideas long gone and projects that failed or flourished. It's time to look back and forward. The next five years are coming surely. Join us for a very special day that only a coworking space can offer. Yes, this is also a festival. There will be party there will be talks there will be hanging out. This is our current outline, object to change until it is actually happening:

 We are planning a STARTUP-ish track to let people talk who founded their companies in and around betahaus in the last 5 years. Starting from the likes of Coffee Circle and Orderbird to this years cutting edge Hardware Accelerator Teams. We'll listen to their assessment of the last 5 years and where they see themselves in the future. The punchline is going to end with betapitch | global including winner startups flying in from all over Europe.

We also want to open up a more Freelancer-coworker-ish kind of track with many workshops and interactive sessions focusing on all the needs of freelancers and digital nomads. It will be just as eclectic as our 350-member community based in the house. Expect all the range from speed dating to networking-salad-making and watching independent film works done by coworkers. We'll have speaker and facilitators like Christoph Bornscheidt from TLGG or Holm Friebe from Zentrale Intelligenz Agentur among others trying to make sense of their past freelancing life and and what's up for their future.

We also need to CREATE STUFF of course in a  MAKING TRACK:  Workshops from Makers for Makers and Artists from all over the globe. From building a drone to researching concrete design with A&Re Studio and re-defining your understanding of democracy in design with Van Bo Le-Mentzel or a talk by Stefania Druga. 

Well, on top of that we will make sure it ends with a BANG and an unforgettable day is finalized with the loud celebration of our birthday and your glory! - an Open End Party.





Eventbrite - People in Beta Festival



Any other idea you like to contribute. Join us with your thought and drop a line to elizaveta@betahaus.de. For other announcements, check out the following link