about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
January 24, 2013

2 BETAPITCH Alumnis Won at Hyberlin

2 of the BETAPITCH alumnis won the last hyberlin competition! We are so proud of our two awesome teams!

Solarbrush and knowable both startups won 10.000€ cash and a trip to Silicon Valley! Upfront hundreds of startups, entrepeneurs and VCs from all over Europe and US they both did the best pitches ever!

Congrats to Ridha Azaiz founder of Solarbrush - a robot which cleans solarpanels - it even jumps from one to the other and Simon Höher & Emanuel Schwarz, founders of knowable - the social network for makers!

It is amazing how the hyberlin showed how Berlin changed during the last 3 years.

When we started with our first startup pitch no one thought startup competitions will be happening in Berlin every weekend one day! Now Berlins nick name is the new Silicon Valley. We love this! Thanks to Hans and Aydo the creators of HY! ("H" for Hans and "Y" for AYdo (?!)) for a weekend packed with inspiring ideas and people! You do a damn good job! We are looking forward to the pitches in June 2013!

PS.: Our friend Thomas Madsen-Mygdal made an interesting comment on the panel about "What role does Berlin play?" I have to quote Liam Boogar from the rude barguette on this one: "At Betahaus, a well-known startup hotspot & Berlin’s 1st coworking space, a panel of Berlin residents spoke about why Berlin is awesome... During the panel, entitled “Who cares about Berlin?” Thomas Madsen-Mygdal, Danish investor and member of the startup community, made a very interesting point about how, while Berlin boasts its cheap rent and living style, this is not what Berlin should stand for, and its not how it should present itself to outsiders. In truth, Berlin will never be the #1 cheap route (India, China, Africa, etc.), and instead, it needs to focus on something it can be #1 in. I don’t believe in the idea of a European Startup Capital – Silicon Valley VCs travel to New York when necessary, and I’m pretty sure London VCs aren’t moving to Berlin. If this is true, then a city’s relevancy to the larger European ecosystem will depend on what it brings to the ecosystem as a whole – I think that may be Community"

We think so, too! Looking forward on your comments about this!

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