about betahaus

6th July, 2017

12:00 - 14:00


Reception, 1st floor, betahaus


Members only


Organised by: Simply Run

SIMPLY RUN your Life!

betahaus | Office Hours are one-on-one free consultancy sessions (30 mins) with experts from our community to our community.

Are you a rookie in the world of running? Don’t know where to start? If putting on a pair of running shoes makes you want to do leaps of joy, then this is your perfect entry. Simply swing by and I’ll be happy to share some proven tips with you.

Better yet, join us for a social run during the weekly „YA BETA RUN“ sessions.

Background Info:

Paul is the founder of SIMPLY RUN, a brand that provides personalized exercise activities, events and experiences for aspiring runners and companies.

Paul is a runner with many years of experience and a certified gym instructor, who has taken part in numerous competitions (cross-country, track and field, half-marathons, triathlons, etc.). When he is not training on his own you can often find him running together with his friends in the “Run Pack”, a Berlin urban running crew. Paul currently runs the „YA BETA RUN“ weekly sessions at betahaus.

Important Information

  • To secure your spot please register in advance by sending an email to hello@simplyrun.berlin. In your email please indicate which 30-minute time slot you would like on the day. Your preferred 30-minute time slot must be within the specified time frame for this Office Hours session.
  • This Office Hours session is free exclusively for betahaus members only.
  • Office Hours is a one-on-one consultation session. Not a group workshop or a presentation. Please come prepared with your own questions.
  • Once you arrive, please go to reception and wait. The event will take place at reception.
  • Only one session (30 minutes) per person per month.
  • If you would like to cancel, please have the courtesy to email hello@simplyrun.berlin to let them know.