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betahaus & Mediation Space

Set up your Team for Success

betahaus | Expert Sessions are one-on-one or team-based free consultancy sessions with experts from our community to our community.

Plamena from Mediation Space is a mediator and organizational development consultant working with startups. She helps people in teams and other constellations to regain access to their resources both as individuals and as a group in order to resolve conflicts and continue forward in a productive way.

You don’t have a conflict to resolve? Congratulations! Prevention is the other great strength of mediative communication. Plamena supports business partners and startup founders in the process of gaining clarity on each other's goals and expectations to solve or prevent conflicts and ensure the smooth start/continuation of their venture.

Services you can book within this Session:

  • Individual org. development consulting for small and mid-size teams, especially teams where the founder(s) feel less comfortable with "people topics”. Any team of 2+ people qualifies for this service. Possible topics here include: team/structure design, coaching and leadership, company values and roadmaps, change management, etc.

  • Clarity/Prevention mediation sessions for founders and small teams - Possible goals here include: risk management/assessment, expectation setting, and overall conflict prevention. In these sessions you can develop your startup’s Code of Conduct or Organisational Roadmap. In addition, we can work together to identify principles of collaboration or any other arrangements you would like to include in your founding contract (Gesellschaftervertrag)
  • Classic conflict resolution - Conflicts and disharmony are present in organizations of all sizes but they can be particularly detrimental in small-size startup teams. Book a slot with Plamena to get an external view on your situation and a proposal for how you can tackle your problem through mediated communication

  • Individual conflict coaching sessions -  If you have a topic you would like to address but the other party is not willing to try mediation, you can still book a slot with Plamena where she can support you in planning the further steps in the situation you are trying to resolve

About the Expert: 

Plamena is a certified mediator with a background in business communications and organizational development. The combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience in startups and traditional enterprises made her curious about applying the principles and practices of mediation to a variety of business contexts using a holistic approach. She created Mediation Space as an outlet for my curiosity where she I helps teams and individuals become better collaborators and partners through mediated communication. She works in Berlin and all around Europe.

Important Info:

  • This is a one-on-one (or one-to-team, for group mediations) free consultation session. Any full-length mediation process takes place outside of the Expert Session program.
  • All Expert Sessions are now virtual.
  • If you would like to cancel, please have the courtesy to email hello@mediation-space.com to let them know.
  • All Betahaus members will receive a 30% discount on the total price of the services they book with Mediation Space.

Want to check out another Expert Session? Here you can find all our Expert Session listings.