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betahaus & Sabrina Klaubert

Self-Leadership 101: Elevate Your Life and Career

betahaus | Expert Sessions are one-on-one or team-based free consultancy sessions with experts from our community to our community.

What to expect from the session

Self-Leadership is growing an evolving sense of who you are, confidence in what you can do, and where you are going coupled with the skills and tools of conscious communication, behavior, and emotional health on the way to getting there.

Learning the fundamentals of Self-Leadership is crucial for managers and leaders, but equally so for anyone who desires to move through life and their career confidently and with direction. 

Based on her work with organizations, leaders and individuals, Sabrina has developed a mindfulness-based approach to learn and master the fundamentals of Self-Leadership. 

Booking a one-on-one session with her will give you the chance to be working on the areas of Self-Awareness, Self-Knowledge and/or Self-Realization. Areas of expertise include but are not limited to: 

  • Introspection & Reflection through Mindfulness
  • Values
  • Emotional Health & EQ
  • Motivation
  • Mindset
  • Power of Constructive Thought & Behavior  
  • Somatic Work
  • Meditation/Mindfulness
  • Yoga

About Sabrina

Sabrina is a Self-Leadership Coach, Yoga & Meditation Teacher and Sound Alchemist. Her work guides you from a gross, externalized experience into the subtlety of yourself, of being alive. 

Sabrina is trained and certified as Transformational Coach, holds 450+hours of Yoga, Breath, Meditation & Sound training and has a formal educational background from Copenhagen Business School (M.Sc. Strategy, Organization & Leadership).

Before devoting all her time and energy to her own Coaching Business in 2021, Sabrina has been working in various tech start-ups in Europe.

Website: www.sabrinapatricia.com

Instagram: @sabrinapatricia.sp

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sabrina-klaubert/

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