about betahaus

26th March, 2019

18:30 - 21:00





Luiza Arcuschin and betahaus

Purpose in Action Toolbox // Turn your purpose in action


Turn your purpose into action // Take your dream to the next level

"You must also envision the impact you’ll have on your world as a result of living your purpose. Your actions—not your words—are what really matter."

Being connected to your purpose not only puts you in the driver’s seat of your life, it also provides clarity and direction for where you are heading.

The Purpose in Action Toolbox workshop gives you what you need to start living your life in a more meaningful way by connecting you with who you are and what you want in life, and by teaching you how to take action, starting today.

After having clarified your purpose, structured your dreams, and finding your inner voice, now it's time to envision your goals and start prototyping your business, your projects or personal growth.

In this session they will clarify a vision and intention for the future (short & long term) and develop an actual plan to translate an idea or a concept into experimental action.


  • Focus and direction defining your short and long term objectives.
  • An action plan to implement projects, businesses or personal transitions.
  • Incorporate meaningful, purpose-infused language to create a document that speaks to you, not just to any person in your job or role.
  • A practical visualization of your strengths, values ​​and impact opportunities
  • Feel empowered and confident to take action towards implementing your project.
  • Leave with fresh perspectives and insights that will open you up to new ways of thinking, expanded possibilities, and an empowered connection to yourself, your relationships, and your impact on the world.


  • Luiza Arcuschin, Founder at Dream Facilitation. Luiza empowers individuals and organisations to turn their purpose into action through hands-on consulting and group workshops. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, specialising in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. She also holds an MBA in Management and Technology.

Conscious Contribution

In order to make this workshop accessible to all, we would like to give you the freedom of consciously choosing with how much would you like to contribute.

As we only have 15 places available, we kindly ask you to register with a €15 commitment fee, and after the workshop we will give you the opportunity to make a voluntary contribution.

You can also choose to sign up for the whole series and receive a 20% discount, paying only €85 commitment fee for all 8 workshops! Register at https://piatoolbox.eventbrite.de