about betahaus

19th of February

18:30 - 21:00





Luiza Arcuschin and betahaus

Purpose in Action Toolbox // Connecting the Dots


" You can not connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots wants somehow connect in your future. "Steve Jobs

Connecting the Dots // Illuminating the blind spots

In order to reach a deep point of transformation, first you need to dive into the most important places for the situation you are dealing with, and reveal your "blind spots". The development of this capacity will allow you to create a future of greater possibilities, with a new awareness of the challenges in a more conscious, intentional and strategic way.

At this workshop, we will guide you through a deep state of attention and awareness of yourself (to what life calls you to do), to the others (esp that you convene.

By applying to unique Stanford Life's Design Framework we want to help you stop your habitual ways of operating and helping you to find yourself at the right place. This is the situation you are looking for in a clearer perspective of your personal journey.

Image result for Stanford Life Design Lab


  • A framework to illuminate your blind spots, revealing your true potential
  • Connect to with your inner strength and with the aspects of greatest importance to the situation you are dealing with.
  • Gain clarity about where you are, what are your challenges and
    where you want to go.
  • Feel supported and inspired by a group of like-minded individuals.


  • Luiza Arcuschin, Founder at Dream Facilitation . Luiza empowers individuals and organizations to make their way into action through hands-on consulting and group workshops. She has a BSc in Business Administration, specializing in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. She holds an MBA in Management and Technology.

Conscious Contribution

In order to make this workshop accessible to all, we would like to give you the freedom of consciously choosing with how much would you like to contribute.

As we only have 15 places available, we kindly ask you to register with a €15 commitment fee, and after the workshop we will give you the opportunity to make a voluntary contribution.

This is a practice to strengthen the sense of interdependence that exists between us, helping to transform our social system by distinguishing money from gratitude.