about betahaus

Tuesday, February 25th

18:30 - 21:00


betahaus | Kreuzberg, Innospace, 1st floor


Members: Free (limit 5 spots) - send email to workshop@dreamfacilitation.me

Non-Members: €35


Organised by: Dream Facilitation & betahaus

Purpose in Action Toolbox // Connecting the Dots workshop

A workshop to immerse in the places of most potential, illuminate blind spots and give a clearer perspective of your personal journey.

You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” Steve Jobs

Connecting the Dots // Illuminating the blind spots

In order to reach a deep point of transformation, first you need to dive into the most important places for the situation you are dealing with, and reveal your "blind spots". The development of this capacity will allow you to create a future of greater possibilities, with a new awareness to face the challenges in a more conscious, intentional and strategic way.

At this workshop we will guide you through a deep state of attention and awareness of yourself (to what life calls you to do), to the others (particularly others that may be related to that call), and to that which emerges from the collective that you convene. 

By applying an unique Stanford Life Design framework we will help you stop your habitual ways of operating and help you to immerse in the places of most potential and places that matter most to the situation you are dealing with. That will give you a clearer perspective of your personal journey and will teach you about how to come up with creative responses given the situation or the challenges that you currently face.


  • A framework to illuminate your blind spots, revealing your true potential
  • Connect to with your inner strength and with the aspects of greatest importance to the situation you are dealing with.
  • Gain clarity about where you are standing, what your challenges are and where you want to go.
  • Feel supported and inspired by a group of like-minded individuals.

The workshop series

‘Purpose in Action Toolbox’ is a series of 6 weekly workshops in which Luiza and the Dream Facilitation team will help you explore different tools and methodologies to clarify your purpose, envision your goals and start prototyping your business, your projects or personal growth.

Each workshop is independent, so you can choose to attend the full-series (10% discount) or register for individual sessions:


1. Theory U, February 18th

2. Connecting the Dots, February 25th

3. Ikigai, March 3rd

4. Golden Circle, March 10th

5. Business Model Canvas, March 17th

6. Turning your Purpose into Action, March 24th


Luiza Arcuschin, founder of Dream Facilitation. Combining her business background and her knack for innovation, Luiza empowers individuals and organizations to discover, map and implement projects to fulfill their purpose. She offers hands-on consulting, group workshops, and free Meetups to turn ideas into action. Luiza is a creative strategist holding a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and an MBA in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability.