about betahaus

6th April, 2020

19:00 - 21:00




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Non-Members: 15€


Organised by: Consciously Digital & betahaus

Neuroscience of Digital Distractions - a talk by a TEDx speaker

TEDx speaker, Huffington Post blogger, and author of Homo Distractus Dr Anastasia Dedyukhina explores how the internet is changing our brain.

The "Neuroscience of Digital Distractions" talk by Dr Anastasia Dedyukhina is still going ahead - online.
All ticket holders will receive links 24 hours before the event.

Given the topic, Anastasia will try to humanize tech experience as much as we can. This will not be just yet another webinar, but rather a very interactive event, where you have a chance to network with other participants based in Berlin, and learn something new.

What to expect:

  • inspirational speech based on latest neuroscience
  • sharing your experience
  • virtual networking in small groups
  • 'worksheet' you can use to help you track your digital habits during the conference

Bonus point: On this event only Anastasia will talk about how online panic 'viruses' get spread, and why the impact of current coronavirus could be lower if it were not for the social media.

Does it happen to you to go check your email or social media just for a second, and then two hours later find yourself mindlessly clicking on yet another cat video? How about reading something online, and then immediately forgetting what it was about? You are not alone.

In this entertaining and insightful talk TEDx speaker, Huffington Post blogger, and author of Homo Distractus Dr Anastasia Dedyukhina explores how the internet is changing our brain. Quoting the latest neuroscience research, she explains why our devices are so irresistible, how digital distractions are preventing us from good decision making and innovative thinking and will give practical tips on how to coach your brain to stay focused in the age of digital distractions.

Our brain is undergoing a massive transformation as a result of internet penetration. We outsource our memory to our devices and are less and less able to concentrate on something for a long time (when was the last time you could read a book without being distracted?). The real cost of allowing your gadgets to dictate your agenda and behaviour is your depleted ability to take decisions, stay focused, think clearly and creatively, sleep well, and ultimately, manage your own free time and choices.

In this talk, you will learn how to take back control of your time and attention without getting rid of your tech.


- 19.00h: Doors Open

- 19:30h - 20:30h: Talk


betahaus members can claim 20 free tickets with the code "StayFocused"

About the speaker:

Dr Anastasia Dedyukhina is an author, TEDx speaker, Huffington Post blogger, organizer of the first mindful tech festival Focus Inside and a former senior digital marketer. Having spent 12+ years working for global media and internet brands, she ditched her smartphone in the middle of her senior international career in London, when she realized how dependent she had become on the gadget.

Today she acts as a business mentor, supporting ethical tech startups, and runs a tech-life balance consultancy Consciously Digital, helping companies and individuals be more productive and less stressed in an age of digital distraction.