about betahaus

15th September, 2020

19:00 - 21:00


betahaus Neukölln, ground floor, 0C Area


Members: Free

Non-Members: Free


Organised by: betahaus & Trustshoring

How to launch & scale with remote developers

Are you looking to build a product people want to buy but you have no development skills or CTO on board?

Learn how to validate your product idea, gain first customers, and close your next round as a non-technical founder.

During the MVP workshop, you will get a chance to test your own assumptions and brainstorm your MVP strategy with an experienced tech/product guy and startup consultant supporting companies like Zest.is (Israel), WorkClub (UK), Rebolet (Germany), and more.

What will you learn during the workshop?

  1. The essentials for building a successful MVP - and how to plan it
  2. Manual vs. automated MVP: what is the right way to approach both
  3. How to choose the right tools to build your MVP quickly
  4. When is the right time to hire a CTO and what kind of CTO should I hire?
  5. Join a group brainstorming and tearing down MVP concepts to start working or iterating on your existing MVP.

IMPORTANT: There are only 15 seats available. Save your spot!


VICTOR PUROLNIK, founder & CEO, Trustshoring — Victor is a technical founder specialized in remote software development. He’s bringing together founders and developers, coaching and consulting on lean software development, the author of the Complete Outsourcing Playbook, and the organizer of numerous events in the startup and outsourcing space. Recently, he’s joined the Berlin-based startup Rebolet as Interims CTO.