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Mirko & betahaus

How to hack health insurance

betahaus | Expert Sessions are one-on-one or team-based free consultancy sessions with experts from our community to our community.

Everyone has their own understanding of "being healthy", "staying healthy" or "getting healthier again". Some people consult general medicine, others trust alternative healing methods. Not every insurance company covers the costs for the treatment that suits you the best.

This Expert Session is designed to support you finding the best fit for you individually and have more clarity in how to take advantage of all the benefits it may offer.

About the Expert:

Mirko is an independent insurance broker who specialized in health insurances. His heart beats not only for naturopathic practices and insurance solutions that subsidize them but also for finding solutions for people to become healthier and happier again. From his own experience having sustained many injuries through sports he knows what it´s like to be in the search for the suitable therapist. It came with that search and his affinity for numbers that he developed a passion for matching the suitable financial backup so more people have access to treatments that really work.

Important Information

  • To secure your spot please book a slot via Calendly.
  • This Expert Session is free for both betahaus members and non-members.
  • This Expert Session is now virtual.
  • If you need to cancel, please have the courtesy to email Mirko.lange@nachhaltigabgesichert.de 24 hours before the session.

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