about betahaus

3rd Wednesday of the month

16:00 - 18:00


Club Lounge, 1st floor, betahaus


Members: Free

Non-Members: Free


Organised by: WestTech Ventures

Get Funding

betahaus | Office Hours are one-on-one free consultancy sessions (30 mins) with experts from our community to our community.

With these Office Hours (1 on 1 sessions) you will gain insights into the seed investors perspective and support on topics such as business modelling, go 2 market approach, target group structuring and on funding need/valuation etc.

About Event Holder (WestTech Ventures)

WestTech Ventures is a Berlin-based Venture Capital firm focused on pre-seed & seed investments in Germany in the fields of B2B SaaS in different verticals, Developer Tools, and Enterprise Software with a portfolio of more than 30 companies as of today. Notable investmentsinclude Delivery Hero (IPOed), Dalia Research, Remerge and TestObject (acquired by Sauce Labs).

Fabian Leipelt is an Associate at WestTech Ventures. Prior to joining WestTech Ventures, Fabian gathered experience working for Groupon in Germany and Australia focusing on Online Marketing. He holds a master's degree in management specializing in banking and insurance from the University of Leipzig and spent semesters abroad in Slovenia and Indonesia.

Important Information:

  • To secure your spot please register in advance. 
  • Office Hours is a one-on-one consultation session. Not a group workshop or a presentation.
  • Once you arrive, please go to the front desk and wait. The event will take place at the "Club Lounge" located next to the front desk.
  • Only one session (30 minutes) per person per month.