about betahaus

29th March, 2023

14:00 - 21:00


Innospace, 1st Floor, betahaus Kreuzberg


Workshops: Free

Evening event: Free


betahaus, Aragon, Dark Fi and Aleo

betahaus Blockchain Day

Come join us and be part of the conversation as we explore the future of blockchain and its impact on the world.

Join us for an exciting afternoon at betahaus sponsored by Aragon, Dark Fi and Aleo, in this event we will be exploring the cutting-edge technology of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), blockchain, and cryptography. Our workshop and presentation will feature experts in the field curated by our sponsors and will introduce you to DAOs and zero-knowledge proofs, as well as the latest developments in the world of anonymous engineering.

Workshop 14:00 - 18:00

  • “Introduction to DAOs and to zero-knowledge proofs” - Our first presentation will be led by Alex Kampa and Roger Baig from Aragon ZK Research, who will provide an introduction to DAOs and zero-knowledge proofs.
  • “Introduction to Noir, Aztec’s ZK language” - Following that, Ahmad Afuni from Aragon ZK Research will present on Noir, Aztec’s zero-knowledge language.
  • “DarkFi: architecture and theory of anonymous engineering (testnet)” - We will then hear from Amir Taaki, founder of DarkFi, who will discuss the architecture and theory behind anonymous engineering and provide a demo of DarkFi’s testnet.
  • “Anonymous on-chain voting on Ethereum” - The afternoon will wrap up with a presentation by Artem Grigor and Craig Sailor from Aragon ZK Research on the hot topic of anonymous on-chain voting.

Networking & Presentations 18:30 - 21:30

After the presentations, Product Team Lead Jordi Moraleda will share Aragon OSx the new Aragon protocol that enables adaptable organizations on the blockchain.

This is an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and learn about the latest developments in the world of DAOs, blockchain, and cryptography. Don’t miss out on this unique chance to expand your knowledge and network with industry experts!

About Aragon

Aragon builds flexible and secure tools for creating, managing, and scaling DAOs, allowing everyone to experiment with governance at the speed of software. Aragon was founded in 2016 by Luis Cuende and Jorge Izquierdo, with the belief that the fate of humanity will be decided at the frontier of technological innovation. They set out to build tools for everyone to experiment with governance at the speed of software, and deployed the first DAO framework helping thousands of DAOs secure and govern over $6B in value.

About Dark Fi

DarkFi's smart contract architecture processes anonymous programs through a simple assembly language and executes them on chain.

About Aleo

Aleo is the first platform to offer fully private applications by leveraging decentralized systems and zero-knowledge cryptography to protect user data on the web. At its core, Aleo offers users and application developers unbounded compute with absolute privacy.