about betahaus

Every Thursday

10:00 - 11:00


betahaus Kreuzberg, Rudi Dutschke Straße 23, Innospace


Members: Free

Non-members: get a betabreakfast ticket (€15) or a day pass (€24)



betabreakfast l May 2023

Find a job. Make a friend. Pitch your startup. Try something new. Meet an investor. Get introduced to a business partner (or even someone to date). A lot can happen over breakfast.

betabreakfast is our weekly breakfast tradition at betahaus | Kreuzberg connecting entrepreneurs, startups, creatives, and anyone interested in the Berlin startup scene. Sometimes it’s breakfast and sometimes it’s a pitch event. We’ve had tea tastings, panels, crypto meet ups, demos, and live performances from time to time, too. It’s the original breakfast event since +10 years connecting Berlin entrepreneurs, and the best way to break into the betahaus community.

We’ll bring the croissants. You make the connections.

04 May

community breakfast where you can meet the people in beta who are new in the 'haus and learn about their projects

11 May

community breakfast with iopool and Ashta

18 May

Closed (Holiday)

25 May

Special  edition with a panel on Sustainability in Fashion

Evolena de Wilde d'Estmael Co-Founder & CEO Faircado | Searching for the internet’s best pre-owned deals
Janine Dudenhöffer
| The sustainable stylist
Hannah Kromminga
Founder at GIFTD | The new app where clothes come for free and Co-founder at Greentech Alliance | Supporting true Greentech companies that put our planet before profit.

We’ll see you for breakfast! 🥐

Want to pitch your startup or do you have something else you’d like to present at betabreakfast? Drop a line to blanca@betahaus.de

Looking to get involved in our community? You might also like betabooze.

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